There are two key dates that standout in our timeline, they are 1885 and 1932.
We trace our roots back to an accountancy firm established in 1885 and the first trust work undertaken by our predecessors under the direction of Alexander E Picot to 1932.
The pride we have in our rich heritage is evident today when entering our office at 6 Esplanade, our boardoom doors display these key dates.

In 2022 we mark the 90 year anniversary of trust services, when under the direction of Alexander E Picot our firm began providing private clients with trust and company administration.

Since then, we have provided trust services for many Jersey clients, including in the 1980s an increasing number of wealthy families moving to Jersey.
When the Trust (Jersey) Law was passed in 1984, we welcomed the clear and modern framework for the creation and use of trusts under Jersey law which underpinned our offering. This in turn acted as a catalyst for the development of our internaitonal private client work.
In 1932 services were provided from our office in Hill Street, a move to Halkett Place for 30 years and then we arrived at 6 Esplanade in 2021.

Today, we are Alex Picot Trust, an independent and privately owned private client focussed trust company proud of our heritage and operating from an office at the heart of Jersey’s financial district. 6 Esplanade.